Computer-Assisted Text Analysis for Resource-Scarce Literatures (CARTARSL) will be held on April 24-25, 2019 at the University of Miami, FL
This two-day symposium aims to bring together scholars and researchers working with computational approaches to texts. The event targets a broad audience interested in the application of digital text analysis technology (text mining, topic modeling, authorship detection, tasks performed through Natural Language Processing) for Resource-Scarce Literatures and from an historical perspective. Come join us!
Important dates:
- January 20, 2019: Deadline for the submission of abstracts
- February 10, 2019: Notification of acceptance
- 24-25 April: Symposium
- April 24 from 9AM-2PM - Newman Alumni Center Executive Boardroom
- April 24 from 2PM-5PM – Richter Library 3rd Floor Conference Room
- April 25 from 9AM-5PM – Newman Alumni Center Executive Boardroom
Registration is open through Eventbrite and the program will be shortly available here
More information about how to travel here