DH Practicum
MLL 774-2T | University of Miami | Fall 2018

As part of our ongoing series of graduate seminars in the digital humanities, MLL will offer a Digital Humanities Practicum this Fall 2018. Join us to learn about computational approaches to scholarly work across the humanities. Build or expand your own DH project! Explore methods and tools across disciplines in digital scholarship and get credit toward a planned Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities.

Check these great list of workshops at the Digital Scholarship and Data Services, and let us know if you attend!

When & Where

Thursday 5-7:30pm
Merrick 205

Who & Office Hours

Susanna Allés-Torrent
Merrick 210-23
Tu. 11-12; Th. 3-4:30PM, or by appointment

Allison Schifani
Merrick 212-14
Tuesdays, 3:30 to 5:30PM, or by appointment

Paige Morgan
Richter Library, 347-E
Appointments via http://paigecmorgan.youcanbook.me
Note: Paige will be unavailable between September 29 and October 7, and less available from October 15-17, and November 6-15.